WebSphere Object Browser

  • E-business scenario
      The scenario has to be relevant to target customers. I suggest we focus on banking and/or e-commerce. We might use the trade app already there and write a small additional shopping basket example or use the one in the manual (is there any ? i remember so)

  • Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) Functionality and Compliance
      Maybe trying to import some competitor's beans and see that they working with a minimal effort.

  • Scalability
      To try and start up many apps/beans and keep them running. Maybe measure comparative performance.

  • Workload Management. Dynamic Request Redirection.
      Showing how a WS can round robin servlet requests to multiple machines.

  • Interoperability.
      This might be included in a later release.

  • Availability. Reliability.
      Showing failure and comeback.

  • Legacy Apps Integration.
      Taking some existing application (a known one) and integrating it (maybe via a bean).

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