Selected Pubs and Fun Things.
(check out also DBLP here)


    • CONFERENCE: Yuzhou Feng, Sandeep Kiran Pinjala, Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "Trilobyte: Plausibly Deniable Communications Through Single Player Games: Data/Toolset Paper" CODASPY 2025 (acceptance rate: 20.9%, 31/148)


    • CONFERENCE: Sandeep Pinjala, Bogdan Carbunar, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "INVISILINE: Invisible Plausibly-Deniable Storage", IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy Oakland S&P 2024 (acceptance rate: 21.3%, 49/230) (draft: pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: Yuzhou Feng, Ruyu Zhai, Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "A Study of China's Censorship and Its Evasion Through the Lens of Online Gaming", USENIX Security 2023 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Anrin Chakraborti, Darius Suciu, Radu Sion, "Wink: Deniable Secure Messaging", USENIX Security 2023 (draft: pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: Darius Suciu, Radu Sion, Mike Ferdman, "AppBastion: Protection from Untrusted Apps and OSes on ARM", European Symposium on Research in Computer Security ESORICS 2022 (acceptance rate: 24%) (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Anrin Chakraborti, Reza Curtmola, Jonathan Katz, Jason Nieh, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Radu Sion and Yinqian Zhang, "Cloud Computing Security: Foundations and Research Directions", Foundations and Trends in Privacy and Security 2022 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Chen Chen, Xiao Liang, Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "SoK: Plausibly Deniable Storage", Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 2022 (acceptance rate: 24%, 128/531) (draft: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Antonio Ken Iannillo, Sean Rivera, Darius Suciu, Radu Sion, Radu State "An REE-independent Approach to Identify Callers of TEEs in TrustZone-enabled Cortex-M devices", ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop ACM CPSS 2022


    • CONFERENCE: Chen Chen, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "PEARL: Plausibly Deniable Flash Translation Layer using WOM coding", USENIX Security 2021 (acceptance rate: 16%) (draft: pdf)

    • SHORT PAPER: Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "Secure Data Outsourcing", Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy 2021


    • CONFERENCE: Darius Suciu, Stephen McLaughlin, Laurent Simon, Radu Sion, "Horizontal Privilege Escalation in Trusted Applications", USENIX Security 2020 (acceptance rate: 16%, 158/972) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Ionut Mugurel Anghel, Jake Christensen, Mihai Chiroiu, Rob Taglang, Radu Sion, "DECAF: Automatic, Adaptive De-bloating and Hardening of COTS Firmware", USENIX Security 2020 (acceptance rate: 16%, 158/972) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "SqORAM: Read-Optimized Sequential Write-Only ORAM", Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 2020 (acceptance rate: 18%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Chen Chen, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "INFUSE: Invisible plausibly-deniable file system for NAND flash", Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 2020 (acceptance rate: 18%) (draft: pdf)


    • JOURNAL: Sumeet Bajaj, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "ConcurDB: Concurrent Query Authentication for Outsourced Databases", in the IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE 2019 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Anrin Chakraborti, Adam Aviv, Seung Geol Choi, Travis Mayberry, Daniel Roche, Radu Sion, "rORAM: Efficient Range ORAM with O(log2 N) Locality", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS 2019 (acceptance rate: 17%, 89/521) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "ConcurORAM: High-Throughput Stateless Parallel Multi-Client ORAM", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS 2019 (acceptance rate: 17%, 89/521) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Chen Chen, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "PD-DM: An efficient locality-preserving block device mapper with plausible deniability", Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 2019 (acceptance rate: 24%) (draft: pdf)


    • JOURNAL: Moussa Ehsan, Radu Sion, "Cost-Efficient Tasks and Data Co-Scheduling with AffordHadoop", IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing TCC 2017

    • CONFERENCE: Anrin Chakraborti, Chen Chen, Radu Sion, "DataLair: Efficient Block Storage with Plausible Deniability against Multi-Snapshot Adversaries", Privacy Enhancing Technologies PETS 2017 (acceptance rate: 23%) (draft: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Anrin Chakraborti, Bhushan Jain, Jan Kasiak, Tao Zhang, Donald Porter, Radu Sion, "dm-x: Protecting Volume-level Integrity for Cloud Volumes and Local Block Devices", ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys) 2017 (acceptance rate: 33%)


    • JOURNAL: Sumeet Bajaj, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "Practical Foundations of History Independence", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security TIFS 2016

    • REFEREED POSTER: Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "ConcurORAM: High-Throughput Parallel Multi-Client ORAM", invited poster at ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2016 (acceptance rate: 41%, 38/92)

    • REFEREED POSTER: Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "DataLair: A Storage Block Device with Plausible Deniability", invited poster at ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2016 (acceptance rate: 41%, 38/92)

    • REFEREED POSTER: Chen Chen, Darius Suciu, Radu Sion, "DroidShield: Protecting user applications from normal world access", invited poster at ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2016 (acceptance rate: 41%, 38/92)

    • REFEREED POSTER: Chen Chen, Darius Suciu, Radu Sion, "KXRay: Introspecting the kernel for rootkit timing footprints", invited poster at ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2016 (acceptance rate: 41%, 38/92)

    • DAGSTUHL: Kristin E. Lauter, Radu Sion, Nigel P. Smart: Modern Cryptography and Security: An Inter-Community Dialogue (Dagstuhl Seminar 16051). Dagstuhl Reports 6(1): 207-223 (2016)

    • FUN STUFF: "A fundamental approach to national security", InnovateLI, March, 2016 (I am uttering opinions for InnovateLI. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)


    • REFEREED POSTER: Sumeet Bajaj, Anrin Chakraborti, Radu Sion, "ConcurDB: Concurrent Query Authentication for Outsourced Databases", invited poster at USENIX ATC 2015 (acceptance rate: 30%, 70/226)

    • MAGAZINE: Bhushan Jain, Mirza Basim Baig, Dongli Zhang, Donald Porter, Radu Sion, "Introspections on the Semantic Gap", IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine 2015 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Chen Chen, Moussa Ehsan, Radu Sion, "Quantitative Musings on the Feasibility of Smartphone Clouds", in Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing CCGRID 2015 (acceptance rate: 25%, 69/268) (draft: pdf)


    • FUN STUFF: "The Growing Use of 'Voiceprint' Passwords Is Another Threat to Your Privacy", Vice News, October, 2014 (I am uttering opinions for the Vice News. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Dongli Zhang, Moussa Ehsan, Michael Ferdman, Radu Sion, "DIMMer: A case of turning off DIMMs in clouds", in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing SOCC 2014 (acceptance rate: 24%, 29/119) (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality", in the IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE 2013 (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: "How to Break Cryptography With Your Bare Hands", MIT Technology Review, August, 2014 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Bhushan Jain, Mirza Basim Baig, Dongli Zhang, Donald Porter, Radu Sion, "SoK: Introspections on Trust and the Semantic Gap", IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy Oakland S&P 2014 (acceptance rate: 13.58%, 44/324) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Mirza Basim Baig, Connor Fitzsimons, Suryanarayanan Balasubramanian, Radu Sion, Donald Porter, "CloudFlow: Cloud-wide policy enforcement using fast VM introspection", IEEE Conference on Cloud Engineering IC2E 2014 (acceptance rate: 29%, 31/104) (draft: pdf)


    • FUN STUFF: "“Tamper-Proof” Chips, with Some Work, Might Give Up Their Secrets", MIT Technology Review, September, 2013 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Moussa Ehsan, Yao Chen, Hui Kang, Radu Sion, Jennifer Wong, "EcoHadoop: A Cost-Efficient Data and Task Co-Scheduler for MapReduce", Proceedings of High Performance Computing HiPC 2013 (acceptance rate: 25%, 49/196) (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: "Why E-mail Can’t Be Completely Private", MIT Technology Review, August, 2013 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "HIFS: History Independence for File Systems", ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2013 (acceptance rate: 19%, 105/530) (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, Rahul Potharaju, Moussa Ehsan, "Private Badges in GeoSocial Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, TMC (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: "'Massive' Cyberattack Wasn’t Really So Massive", MIT Technology Review, March, 2013 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "CorrectDB: An SQL Engine with Practical Query Authentication", Proceedings of VLDB 2013 (acceptance rate: 13.2% accepted 44/334, 6.3% potential accepts/revisions 21/334) (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: "Why Obama’s Cyber Defense Order Won’t Amount to Much", MIT Technology Review, February, 2013 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, "Access Privacy and Correctness on Untrusted Storage", ACM Transactions on Information and System Security TISSEC 2013 (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Yao Chen, Radu Sion, "On Securing Untrusted Clouds with Cryptography", in the IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Volume 36, 2013

    • CONFERENCE: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "Ficklebase: Looking into the Future to Erase the Past", IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE 2013 (acceptance rate: 19%, 88/450) (draft: pdf)


    • FUN STUFF: "The Most Controlling Smartphone Ever Made", MIT Technology Review, December, 2012 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, "Round-Optimal Access Privacy on Outsourced Storage", ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2012 (acceptance rate: 19%, 80/421) (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Wiping Away Your Siri 'Fingerprint'", MIT Technology Review, July, 2012 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Alin Tomescu, Radu Sion, "PrivateFS: A Parallel Oblivious File System", ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2012 (acceptance rate: 19%, 80/421) (draft: pdf, extended version: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, Rahul Potharaju, Moussa Ehsan, "The Shy Mayor: Private Badges in GeoSocial Networks", Applied Cryptography and Network Security ACNS 2012 (acceptance rate: 17%, 33/192) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, "SR-ORAM: Single Round-trip Oblivious RAM", Applied Cryptography and Network Security ACNS 2012 (industrial track, acceptance rate: 32%, 62/192)

    • JOURNAL: Bogdan Carbunar, Yao Chen, Radu Sion, "Tipping Pennies? Privately. Practical Anonymous Micropayments", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security TIFS 2012 (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Attacks on Android Devices Intensify", MIT Technology Review, February, 2012 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, but they are partially misquoting me. fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: Democracy in Peer Reviewing: On how to avoid dictator PC chairs and other adventures and The Very Important and Serious Academic blog.


    • CONFERENCE DEMO: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware based Outsourced Database Engine", Proceedings of VLDB 2011 (demo)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "The Cyber Security Industrial Complex", MIT Technology Review, December, 2011 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Private Geo-Social Networking", short paper in the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems ACM GIS 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Security Researchers Rain on Amazon's Cloud", MIT Technology Review, October, 2011 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Yao Chen, Radu Sion, "To Cloud Or Not To Cloud? Musings On Costs and Viability", in the ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing ACM SOCC 2011 (acceptance rate: 16%, 30/178) (draft here, some older slides here)

    • DEMO: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality", Proceedings of the Very Large Databases Conference VLDB 2011, Seattle, Washington (acceptance rate: 31%, 28/89)

    • REPORT: Md. Borhan Uddin, Bo He, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)", Cloud Commons Online, May 2011, updated in July 2012 (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Toward Private Joins on Outsourced Data", in the IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE 2011

    • JOURNAL: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Write Once Read Many Oblivious RAM", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security TIFS 2011 (FULL TECH REPORT: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Larry Shi, Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Conditional E-Payments with Transferability", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing JPDC 2011 71(1): 16-26 (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Md. Borhan Uddin, Bo He, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) Benchmark", Cloud Commons Online, April 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Yao Chen, Radu Sion, "Fighting Mallory the Insider: Strong Write Once Read Many Storage Assurances", IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security TIFS 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Hui Kang, Yao Chen, Radu Sion, Jennifer Wong, "Enhancement of Xen's Scheduler for MapReduce Workloads", ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing ACM HPDC 2011, San Jose, California (acceptance rate: 12%, 22/170) (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Sumit Sanghrajka, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Network Performance - Rackspace", Cloud Commons Online, March 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Sumeet Bajaj, Radu Sion, "TrustedDB: A Trusted Hardware based Database with Privacy and Data Confidentiality", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2011, Athens, Greece (acceptance rate: 23%, 87/379) (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Sumit Sanghrajka, Nilesh Mahajan, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Network Performance - Amazon EC2", Cloud Commons Online, February 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Martin Franz, Peter Williams, Bogdan Carbunar, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Radu Sion, "Oblivious Outsourced Storage with Delegation", Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference FC 2011 (full paper acceptance rate: 20%, 15/74) (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Kalpit Sarda, Sumit Sanghrajka, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon EC2 CPU vs. Speed Benchmarks", Cloud Commons Online, January 2011 (draft: pdf)

    • CHAPTER: Radu Sion, Junichi Tatemura, "Runtime Web-Service Workflow Optimization", in "New Frontiers in Information and Software as Services", Springer-Verlag LNBIP 2011 (online, draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, Miroslava Sotakova, "Private Storage and Making PIR Usable", ACM Transactions on Information and System Security TISSEC 2011 (draft: pdf)


    • REPORT: Kalpit Sarda, Sumit Sanghrajka, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon EC2 CPU Speed Benchmark", Cloud Commons Online, November 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Sumit J. Nadgowda, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon EBS, S3, and EC2 Instance Local Storage", Cloud Commons Online, October 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Md. Borhan Uddin, Bo He, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon RDS TPC-C Benchmark", Cloud Commons Online, August 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • REPORT: Md. Borhan Uddin, Bo He, Radu Sion, "Cloud Performance Benchmark Series: Amazon EC2 Web Serving", Cloud Commons Online, July 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • PROCEEDINGS: Adrian Perrig, Radu Sion, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security, Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 8, 2010, ACM, ISBN:978-1-4503-0089-6 (online)

    • JOURNAL: Jie Gao, Radu Sion, Sol Lederer, "Collaborative Location Certification for Sensor Networks", ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks TOSN 2010 6(4) (draft: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Yao Chen, Radu Sion, "On Securing Untrusted Clouds with Cryptography", in the ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2010, at CCS (acceptance rate: 31%) (draft: pdf, related tech report draft here, an older related tech report draft here, some older slides here)

    • PROCEEDINGS: R. Sion (Ed.), "Proceedings of the 2010 Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Subseries: Security and Cryptology, Vol. 6052, 2010, XII, 432 p., Softcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-14576-6 (online)

    • PROCEEDINGS: R. Sion, R. Curtmola, S. Dietrich, A. Kiayias, J.M. Miret, K. Sako, F. Sebé (Eds.) , "Workshops of the 2010 Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Subseries: Security and Cryptology, Vol. 6054, 2010, X, 257 p., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-3-642-14991-7 (online)

    • WORKSHOP: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Joining Privately on Outsourced Data", VLDB Workshop on Secure Data Management SDM 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Regulatory Compliant Oblivious RAM", Applied Cryptography and Network Security ACNS 2010 (acceptance rate: 18%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Miroslava Sotakova, Heike Busch, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Radu Sion, "The PUF Promise (a short paper)", Trust and Trustworthy Computing Conference TRUST 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Patrick McDaniel, Kevin Butler, Stephen McLaughlin, Radu Sion, Erez Zadok, Marianne Winslett, Towards a Secure and Efficient System for End-to-End Provenance, USENIX FAST 2010 Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance TAPP 2010 (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: "Security in the Ether: Information technology's next grand challenge will be to secure the cloud-- and prove we can trust it.", MIT Technology Review, February, 2010 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • SHORT PAPER: Radu Sion, "Data Outsourcing", Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy 2010


    • PROCEEDINGS: Radu Sion, Dawn Song, Proceedings of the 2009 ACM Workshop on Cloud Computing Security, Chicago, Illinois, USA November 13, 2009, ACM, ISBN 978-1-60558-784-4 (online)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Self-Policing Cloud Computing", MIT Technology Review, November 20, 2009 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Searching an Encrypted Cloud", MIT Technology Review, November 13, 2009 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Ragib Hasan, Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Preventing History Forgery with Secure Provenance", ACM Transactions on Storage TOS 2009 (draft: pdf)

    • FUN STUFF: David Talbot, "Vulnerability Seen in Amazon's Cloud-Computing", MIT Technology Review, October 23, 2009 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Yao Chen, Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "XPay: Practical anonymous payments for Tor routing and other networked services", in the ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society WPES 2009, at CCS (full paper acceptance rate: 27%) (draft: pdf)

    • CHAPTER: Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "A Road-Map to Regulatory Compliance for Information Systems", in "The Handbook of Financial Cryptography", B. Rosenberg (editor), CRC Press 2009

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, "A Quick Intro to Trusted Hardware", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy S&P 2009 (draft: pdf)

    • MAGAZINE: Ragib Hasan, Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Secure Provenance: Protecting the Genealogy of Bits", ;login: The USENIX Magazine

    • JOURNAL: Siddharth Bhatt, Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "A Personal Mobile DRM Manager for Smart-Phones", Elsevier Computers and Security Journal, Vol. 28, Issue 3, April 2009 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, Dennis Shasha, "The Blind Stone Tablet: Outsourcing Durability", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS 2009 (acceptance rate: 11%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Ragib Hasan, Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Remembrance: The Unbearable Sentience of Being Digital", Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research CIDR 2009 (Perspectives Track, acceptance rate: 27%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Ragib Hasan, Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "The Case of the Fake Picasso: Preventing History Forgery with Secure Provenance", USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies FAST 2009 (acceptance rate: 22%) (draft: pdf)

    • SHORT PAPER: Radu Sion, "Regulatory Compliance in Data Management", invited entry in the Encyclopedia of Database Systems EDS 2009


    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, "Trusted Hardware", ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2008

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "Building Castles out of Mud: Practical Access Pattern Privacy and Correctness on Untrusted Storage", ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security CCS 2008 (acceptance rate: 18%) (draft: pdf)

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, Sean Smith, "Understanding and Deploying Trusted Hardware", USENIX Security 2008

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, "Strong WORM", International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS 2008 (acceptance rate: 14%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Peter Williams, Radu Sion, "Usable Private Information Retrieval", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS 2008 (acceptance rate: 16%) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Sol Lederer, Jie Gao, Radu Sion, "Collaborative Location Certification for Sensor Networks", invited paper at the 2008 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (draft: pdf)


    • SHORT PAPER: Radu Sion, "Digital Rights Management", invited entry in the Encyclopedia of Database Systems EDS 2007

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Regulatory Compliant Data Management", ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2007 (pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Ragib Hasan, Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Introducing Secure Provenance: Problems and Challenges", in Workshop on Storage Security and Survivability StorageSS 2007, at CCS (draft: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Ragib Hasan, Marianne Winslett, Radu Sion, "Requirements of Secure Storage Systems for Health-care Records", in Workshop on Secure Data Management SDM 2007, at VLDB (draft: pdf)

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, "Secure Data Outsourcing", The Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2007 (pdf)

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, Marianne Winslett, "Regulatory Compliant Data Management", The Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2007 (pdf)

    • DEMO: Radu Sion, Sumeet Bajaj, Bogdan Carbunar, Stefan Katzenbeisser, "NS2: Networked Searchable Store with Correctness", The Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2007 (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Sol Lederer, Jie Gao, Radu Sion, "On Certifying Location claims in Sensor Networks", Applied Cryptography and Network Security ACNS 2007 (industrial track, acceptance rate: 27%)

    • DEMO: Siddharth Bhatt, Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, Venu Vasudevan, "The Motorola Personal Digital Rights Manager", Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference FC 2007 (acceptance rate: 18%)

    • CONFERENCE: Larry Shi, Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Conditional E-Cash", Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference FC 2007 (acceptance rate: 18%) (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Bogdan Carbunar, "On the Computational Practicality of Private Information Retrieval", Network and Distributed System Security Symposium NDSS 2007 (acceptance rate: 15%) (pdf)

    • CHAPTER: Radu Sion, "Watermarking Databases", in "The Handbook of Database Security: Applications and Trends", M. Gertz and S. Jajodia (editors), Springer Verlag 2008, XIV, ISBN: 978-0-387-48532-4 (draft: pdf)

    • CHAPTER: Ragib Hasan, Marianne Winslett, Soumyadeb Mitra, Windsow Hsu, Radu Sion, "Trustworthy Record Retention", in "The Handbook of Database Security: Applications and Trends", M. Gertz and S. Jajodia (editors), Springer Verlag 2008, XIV, ISBN: 978-0-387-48532-4

    • CHAPTER: Radu Sion, "Towards Secure Data Outsourcing", in "The Handbook of Database Security: Applications and Trends", M. Gertz and S. Jajodia (editors), Springer Verlag 2008, XIV, ISBN: 978-0-387-48532-4 (draft: pdf)


    • FUN STUFF: Kate Greene, "Forensic Watermarks in Mobile Devices: Researchers are working on a new watermarking scheme to deter people from illegally sharing videos", MIT Technology Review, December 11, 2006 (I am uttering opinions for the MIT Technology Review, fun fun fun). (online, pdf)

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, "Secure Data Outsourcing", invited tutorial at the 13th International Conference on Management of Data COMAD 2006 (pdf)

    • PANEL: "Achieving Practical Private Information Retrieval", panel at the International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm) 2006. Panelists: William Gasarch, Aggelos Kiayias, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Radu Sion (chair).

    • JOURNAL: Ramesh Natarajan, Radu Sion, Chid Apte, Inderpal Narang, "A Grid-based Approach for Enterprise-Scale Data Mining", in the Elsevier International Journal of Grid Computing: Theory, Methods and Applications 2006

    • JOURNAL: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Rights Protection for Discrete Numeric Streams", in the IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE 2006 Vol. 18, No. 5, May 2006 (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Bogdan Carbunar, Radu Sion, "Uncheatable Reputation for Distributed Computation Markets", Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference FC 2006, Anguilla, British West Indies (acceptance rate: 29%) (draft: pdf)

    • TUTORIAL: Radu Sion, "Database Watermarking", invited tutorial at the International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2006 (draft: pdf)

    • DEMO: Radu Sion, Ramesh Natarajan, Inderpal Narang, Thomas Phan, "XG: A Grid-enabled Query Processing Engine", the International Conference on Extending Database Technology EDBT 2006, Muenchen, Germany (demo), Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer Verlag (LNCS), vol. 3896/2006 pp. 1115-1120 (acceptance rate: 34%, 20/58) (pdf)


    • CHAPTER: Radu Sion, "Rights Assessment for Relational Data", in "Security in Decentralized Data Management", T. Yu and S. Jajodia (editors), Springer Verlag 2005

    • WORKSHOP: Thomas Phan, Kavitha Ranganathan, Radu Sion, "Evolving to the Perfect Schedule: Co-scheduling Job Assignments and Data Replication in Wide-Area Systems Using a Genetic Algorithm", Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, in conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing ICS 2005 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, "Query Execution Assurance for Outsourced Databases", The Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2005 (acceptance rate: 16%, 32/195), (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Ramesh Natarajan, Inderpal Narang, Wen-Syan Li, Thomas Phan, "XG: A Data-driven Computation Grid for Enterprise-Scale Mining", International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2005 (acceptance rate: 23%, 92/390), (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Junichi Tatemura, "Dynamic Stochastic Models for Workflow Response Optimization", 2005 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (Industry Track) ICWS 2005 (acceptance rate: 19%), (draft: pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Ownership Proofs for Categorical Data", IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE 2005, Vol. 17, No. 7, July 2005 (draft: pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: Ramesh Natarajan, Radu Sion, Chid Apte, Inderpal Narang, "A Grid-based Approach for Enterprise-Scale Data Mining", Workshop on Data Mining and the Grid (DM-Grid) at the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining ICDM 2004 (draft: pdf)

    • THESIS: Radu Sion, "Rights Assessment for Discrete Digital Data", Ph.D. Dissertation, August 2004, Computer Sciences, Purdue University

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Resilient Rights Protection for Sensor Streams", The Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2004 (acceptance rate: 16%, 81/504), pages 732-743 (pdf)

    • INVITED: Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, Keith Frikken, Radu Sion, "Digital Rights Protection", IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 27 (2004), pages 19-26 (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Yi-Cheng Tu, Sunil Prabhakar, Ahmed Elmagarmid, Radu Sion, "QuaSAQ: An Approach to Enabling End-to-End QoS for Multimedia Databases", International Conference on Extending Database Technology EDBT 2004, Heraklion - Crete, Greece (acceptance rate: 14%, 42/294), pages 694-711 (pdf)

    • JOURNAL: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Protecting Rights over Relational Data using Watermarking", the IEEE Journal of Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE TKDE, Vol. 16, No. 12, December 2004, pages 1509-1525 (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, "Proving Ownership over Categorical Data", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE 2004, Boston (acceptance rate: 14%, 63/441), pages 584-596 (draft: pdf)

    • DEMO: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Rights Protection for Relational Data through Watermarking", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering ICDE 2004, Boston (demo), pages 863-864 (sigmod paper: pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Radu Sion, "Rights Protection beyond Multimedia", Proceedings of the EDBT/ICDE PhD Workshop 2004, pp. 109-118, (acceptance rate: 25%, 22/86) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, "Attacking Digital Watermarks", Proceedings of the Symposium on Electronic Imaging SPIE 2004, San Jose, (draft: pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Rights Protection for Relational Data", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2003, San Diego (acceptance rate: 15%, 52/342), pages 98-109 (pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Resilient Information Hiding for Abstract Semi-Structures", Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Watermarking IWDW 2003, Seoul, Korea Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer Verlag (LNCS), vol. 2939/2004, pages 141-153 (draft: pdf)

    • WIP: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, "Provable Access Accounting for Content Distribution Networks", Las Vegas, Annual Computer Security Applications Conference ACSAC 2003 (work in progress) (draft: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "On-the-fly Intrusion Detection for Web Portals", Proceedings of the IEEE ITCC 2003, Las Vegas, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 325-330 (pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: W. Li, W. Hsiung, D. Kalashnikov, R. Sion, O. Po, D. Agrawal, K. Selcuk Candan, "Issues and Evaluations of Caching Solutions for Web Application Acceleration", Proceedings of the Very Large Databases Conference, VLDB 2002 (acceptance rate: 18%), pages 1019-1030 (pdf.gz) News: NEC CachePortal won the Best of CeBIT award in the Enterprise Platform Software category in May 2004 !

    • WORKSHOP: M. Atallah, V. Raskin, C. F. Hempelmann, M. Karahan, R. Sion, K. E. Triezenberg, U. Topkara, "Natural Language Watermarking and Tamperproofing", Proceedings of the Information Hiding Workshop IH 2002, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer Verlag (LNCS), vol. 2578/2003, pages 196-212 (acceptance rate: 34%, 27/78) (pdf)

    • WORKSHOP: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "On Watermarking Numeric Sets", Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Watermarking IWDW 2002, Seoul, Korea, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer Verlag (LNCS) (TR files: pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Mikhail Atallah, Sunil Prabhakar, "Power: A Metric for Evaluating Watermarking Algorithms", Proceedings of IEEE ITCC 2002, Las Vegas, IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 95-99 (pdf)


    • CONFERENCE: L. Boloni, K. Jun, K. Palacz, R. Sion, D.C. Marinescu, "The Bond Agent System", in Proceedings of ASA/MA 2000, Zurich, Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS), Springer Verlag, 2000 (acceptance rate: 18%, 20/107), pages 99-112 (pdf)

    • CONFERENCE: Radu Sion, Ladislau Boloni, "MicroServers", Proceedings of the Evolutionary Intelligent Agents Special Session of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Diego, (pdf)

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